

A space for international exchange that invites artists, curators, writers, educators, and others whose activities combine a creative and critical approach across multidisciplinary fields to share their knowledge and experiences. Crossing the boundaries between activities, place of residence, and fields of expertise through the involvement of collaborating organisations, the residency also focuses on the relationship between art and culture and social issues that reverberate internationally through the implementation of its programs.

The open call to apply for our residency program are not accepted. 現在レジデンスプログラムの公募は行っておりません。


Founder & CollaboratorYear
IASPIS, Sweden2003~
Toyota Foundation, Japan2004
Asia Link, Australia2004, 2005
SSamzie Space, Korea2004, 2005
FRAME, Finland2004, 2006 – 2008, 2010, 2011
Ishibashi Foundation, Japan2005 – 2010
Backers Foundation, Japan2006~
Asian Cultural Council, Japan2006
Mondriaan Fund, Netherlands2006
Agency for Cultural Affairs, Japan2011 – 2020
Cove Park, Scotland2011, 2013, 2018, 2019
SOMA, Mexico2012, 2013
Centre for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle A-I-R Laboratory, Poland2013, 2015
Camden Arts Centre, UK2014 – 2016
Chiang Mai Art Conversations, Thailand2015
Node Center for Curatorial Studies, Germany2015
Times Museum, China2017, 2019
The Nippon Foundation, Japan2018
Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Japan2018
The Fifth Season, Netherlands2018
Saxony-Anhalt Arts Foundation, Germany2018
Creative Residency Arita, Japan2018
Japan Foundation Asia Center, Japan2019
Hospitalfield, Scotland2019
Bethel House, Japan2019
Baltan Laboratories, Netherlands2020


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